Friday, February 15, 2008


So as you all know yesterday was Valentines Day - regrettably I had to work all day. So when I came home the first thing I did was call my girlfriend Kate and she tells me that she made me a picture (just so you know Kate and I share a long distance relationship so gifts and such are pretty limited)

Below is a shrinked down version of the amazing graphic that she made me! It's beautiful (just like her) and it's pretty clear that she has surpassed me in the graphic design department.

Some of you guys are probably wondering what I got her...Well I thought long and hard on what to come up with - finally settling with an idea.

I made her a little video using Halo to depict the images. Kate loves the Soccerball in Halo 3, she gives the damn thing more attention then me half the time. So I thought this video was suitable and hopefully it would get a giggle or two out of her. Which it did! The video also features Kate's bestfriend, and a really good friend of mine, Ryan. Enjoy

- Download Kate's Full Picture

- Stream Cody's Video