Thursday, February 21, 2008

Haven & The [Working Title] Series

I'm sure most of you are wondering when Haven is going to come out. Well as it stands right now, there is only 13! more days until I leave to go visit my girlfriend Kate in Canada! (which by the way if you haven't noticed, she is the one who designed the hot new background for the site!)

It was always my intention to start production back up on Haven once I returned from Canada. My trip will last from March 5th - 14th. The week of my return I plan to purchase some new editing software that will give Haven (as well as future movies) the exact look that I am wanting. Once this software is purchased I can begin the advanced editing stages of the movie. So look for a release hopefully sometime in April.

However I have used the downtime that I have had while not working on Haven to do some script writing and brain storming on a new series that I have been working on. I don't want to give to much detail away at this time because it's still in early development and as you can see I haven't even chosen a title for it. But what I can tell you is this - It's going to be unlike anything else out there.

Machinima is becoming quite advance since Halo 3 and people are getting very original with their ideas. When I create a movie I try to be original as possible (example being the first Haven Teaser, before that the video camera effect had not been tried) and this series is going to be no different. I assure you of that.

So be prepared, and be ready! Because it looks like April is going to be a HUGE! month for us here at Eden Visuals and I hope you enjoy it as much as we will!