Thursday, May 22, 2008

Any last words?

I could go into a big long story, and waste most of yawls time. But I'm just going to get straight to the point.

For now I am going to stop making Machinima. This might come as a sudden shock, as to all the hype that I have been doing for SOURCE. But here in the past week I have noticed something:

I am going though an extremly big change in my life, probably the biggest. At the end of the summer I am moving out of my little suburban town in Arkansas, over a thousand miles away to another Nation (Canada). Where I will live for a year with my girlfriend Kate, before we begin our journey called life in NYC.

Right now, I have other priorities I must get in-line. Things that are far more important, far more stressful, and far more complicated, and I can't have the thought of Machinima lingering in the back of my head adding to that fire.

So effective as of now, I am through with Machinima. Eden will still function as a company, but all current projects (including SOURCE and HAVEN) are going to be put on hold indefinitely.

This might be my last update for a while. I will still be active as an Admin over at, but for right now my place is with myself, and her. This isn't over, not by a long shot.

Thanks for everything!

- Cody