Thursday, April 3, 2008

Sneezons Greetings!

Just a quick update for you guys. It's allergy season, and for those that do not know.. . I have SEVERE allergies. The past few days, I have been nothing but working, sneezing, and laying in bed. Kate has been giving me TLC, but that only gets me physically so far.

The point of me telling you this, is that it has hindered the movie making process a bit. I've been taking medication to slow it, but as of now I am trying to stay rested.

Here in the next couple days I will rest up more, plan and organize what I can for the rest of the GTV Comedy (which by the way has a name now - Par Avion) Then after that I should start to build an immunity to most of the allergies that are causing me to become a crazed raccoon in heat.